Carlos Dengler deja Interpol

May 9, 2010


En el sitio oficial de Interpol, donde ya puedes descargar el primer adelanto de su nuevo disco, postearon hoy que el bajista Carlos Dengler dejó la agrupación luego de terminar de grabar el disco, el cual han dicho que se aproxima más a su oscuro debut Turn On The Bright Lights.

La buena noticia es que el sustituto será revelado en breve.

A continuación el comunicado:

Dear fans,

As some of you have surely heard, Interpol has completed it’s new album.

It was recorded at Electric Lady Studios, New York, and mixed with Alan Moulder at Assault and Battery, London.

The four of us poured our collective heart into this music and we are very proud and excited to share it.

It’s a heavy record. But we’re feeling limber; and we’re going to carry it all around the world for you.

Touring begins this summer, so check here soon for announcements and show dates.

There is more:
Sadly, Carlos will not be joining us.

After the completion of the album, Carlos informed the rest of us that he would be leaving the band. He has decided to follow another path, and to pursue new goals. This separation is amicable, and we whole-heartedly wish him great happiness and success. We will remain, as always, deeply respectful fans of this blazingly talented individual.

We can tell you that we have some very exciting new recruits joining us on the road. So stay tuned – we will promptly be revealing the identities of these illustrious players.

We eagerly await the opportunity to reconvene with you all
– the greatest fans known to Rock.

Thank you.

Post escrito por: moonman

3 thoughts on “Carlos Dengler deja Interpol

  1. luis

    esa si q es noticiaaaaaaaa
    y uds fueron los primeros en difundirla jeje
    hmmm pero carlos d es parte integral de la banda no?
    me suena a q hubo lucha de egos

  2. Porque????!?!?!

    EL NO!!!!!! EL NO!!!!!
    estoy de acuerdo con luis, en una entrevista que dio paul el dijo que hay mucha pelea de egos en la banda, pero ese carlos es la ostia de la banda……bueno con tal que no le pase nada a paul estara bien pero si que fuerte la noticia

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